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File: Python Pdf 182328 | Cl 8 Item Download 2023-01-31 04-55-21
bookreview pythonforlinguists michaelhammond university of arizona cambridgeuniversitypress 2020 310pp paperback isbn9781108737074 reviewed by benjamin roth university of vienna and michael wiegand alpen adria universitat klagenfurt teaching programming skills is a ...

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...Bookreview pythonforlinguists michaelhammond university of arizona cambridgeuniversitypress pp paperback isbn reviewed by benjamin roth vienna and michael wiegand alpen adria universitat klagenfurt teaching programming skills is a hard task it even harder if one targets an audience with no or little mathematical background although there are books on that target such groups they often fail to raise maintain interest due articial examples lack reference the professional issues typically face this book lls gap addressing linguistics profession academic subject for whichbasic knowledge script becoming more important python linguists hammond introductory course targeted at prior succeeds previous perl java same author reects current de facto prevalence when comes adoption available packages natural language processing wefeel necessary clarify aims general in broad sense rather than computational its aim teach fundamental conceptsofprogrammingusingtypicalexamplesfromlinguistics thebookshoul...

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