simulationsmethoden i ws 09 10 lecture notes finite element methods applied to solve pde joan j cerda december14 2009 icp stuttgart contents 1 inthislecture we will talk about 2 2 ...
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...Simulationsmethoden i ws lecture notes finite element methods applied to solve pde joan j cerda december icp stuttgart contents inthislecture we will talk about fdmvsfem perspective different ways of solving approximately a basicstepsofanyfemintendedtosolvepdes femin d heatequationforacylindricalrod thepoissonequation sparsematrixes bandmatrixes andfem other tricks for fem and beyond bibliography jcerda put here an at symbol uni de in this basic steps any intended pdes heatequationfor cylindrical rod sparse matrixes band with femyoucanhandlebetter boundary problems odd geometries it is easier make more ner subdivisions the space regions where you need accuracy not so easy do fdm awordofcaution femasfdmaresuitableforlinearpde s ifyouhavenon linear youwill have rst linearize certain bc conditions be solved which options analytical solution best but always available approximate solutions there error difference between exact value andtheapproximatevalueiscalledtheresidual wewilldenoteitbyr...