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picture1_Problem Solving In Mathematics Pdf 182124 | Wwm 2 Item Download 2023-01-31 03-12-02

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File: Problem Solving In Mathematics Pdf 182124 | Wwm 2 Item Download 2023-01-31 03-12-02
dagon university research journal 2012 vol 4 areallifeapplication of linear programming win win myo abstract linear programming is heavily used in microeconomics and company management such as planning production transportation ...

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...Dagon university research journal vol areallifeapplication of linear programming win myo abstract is heavily used in microeconomics and company management such as planning production transportation technology other issues either to maximize the income or minimize costs a scheme real world problem find maximum profit for certain life part very important area mathematics called optimization techniques this paper it be investigated two different solving graphical methods some problems then we may introduce new program which my own invention software system computerized using microsoft visual basic helpful solve get quickly easily optimal solutions any user introduction best solution that requires decision set decisions about how use limited resources achieve state goal objectives applications many lend themselves modeling can approximated by models there are well known successful manufacturing marketing finance investment advertising agriculture history started when g b dantzig design sim...

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