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picture1_Problem Solving Strategies Pdf 181773 | Math Essential Skills Work Samples Handout

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File: Problem Solving Strategies Pdf 181773 | Math Essential Skills Work Samples Handout
mathematics problem solving official scoring guide apply mathematics in a variety of settings build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 31 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Mathematics problem solving official scoring guide apply in a variety of settings build new mathematical knowledge through solve problems that arise and other contexts adapt appropriate strategies to monitor reflect on the process dimensions making sense task interpretation or translation interpret concepts are translate them into thoroughly developed adequately partially underdeveloped enhanced connections displayed sketchy extensions using inappropriate ideas minimal not evident representing strategy representations has been selected used applied use models pictures elegant insightful complex effective diagrams symbols comparisons complete useful represent situation select an generalizations conflict with solution outcome communicating language reasoning communication coherently communicate follow clear coherent path throughout entire work sample significant gaps graphics do clearly lead examples allow reader identified move easily from one thought another accuracy is correct given s...

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