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picture1_Algebra   Grade 10

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File: Algebra Grade 10
algebra nnuummbbeerrss nnuummbbeerrss before you can start anything in mathematics you need to know how numbers work so here are the basics zthere is a summary on the next page ...

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...Algebra nnuummbbeerrss before you can start anything in mathematics need to know how numbers work so here are the basics there is a summary on next page if prefer flow diagrams broken down into real and non r that don t exist imaginary or complex for example square root of negative number like these will give an error calculator sharp el say calculation do they rational irrational o q make sense i pretend my grandmother she likes talk but doesn any same way go called terminating have pattern recurring see it stop other hand either means end be written as fraction also whole n at zero count up wholes e g etc not decimals fractions nice remember with whoole oo natural counting which one natura integers z positive your granny no learn both names symbols because question use activity tick correct columns table below nnuummbbeerr rreeaall nnoonn rraattiioonnaall iirrrraattiioonnaall wwhhoollee nnaattuurraall iinntteeggeerr given equation solve when b c integer rroouunnddiinngg ooffff part k...

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