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picture1_Lecture4 With Examples

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File: Lecture4 With Examples
math2280 lecture4 separable equations and applications dylanzwick spring2013 forthelasttwolectureswe vestudiedrst orderdifferentialequations in standard form y f x y welearnedhowtosolvethesedifferentialequationsforthespecialsit uationwheref x y isindependentofthevariabley andisjustafunction of x f x we also ...

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...Math lecture separable equations and applications dylanzwick spring forthelasttwolectureswe vestudiedrst orderdifferentialequations in standard form y f x welearnedhowtosolvethesedifferentialequationsforthespecialsit uationwheref isindependentofthevariabley andisjustafunction of we also learned about slope elds which give us a geometric methodforunderstandingsolutions approximating them even if cannot nd themdirectly todaywe regoingtodiscusshowtosolverst orderdifferentialequa tions the special situation where function is means can write as product funciton theexercises for this section are separableequationsandhowtosolvethem supposewehavearst order differential equation dy h dx it two functions one other so g manipulate our differtial to put ev erything with term on side everything an from here just integrate both sides then solve example suppose re given dp p dt wecanrewritethisequationas andthenintegrate get t c solving gives note that has vertical asymptote approaches population mod...

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