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picture1_M6l2 Item Download 2023-01-30 22-00-21

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File: M6l2 Item Download 2023-01-30 22-00-21
functionalequations zhiqinlu 1 whatis a functional equation anequation contains an unknown function is called a functional equation example1 1thefollowingequations can be regarded as functional equations f x f x oddfunction ...

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...Functionalequations zhiqinlu whatis a functional equation anequation contains an unknown function is called example thefollowingequations can be regarded as equations f x oddfunction even periodic if thefibonaccisequence n denesafunctionalequationwiththedomainofwhichbeingnonnegativeintegers wecanalsorepresent the sequence radioactivedecay let representameasurementofthenumber of specic type radioactive nuclei in sample material at given time weassume that initially there gram by physical law we have y canwedeterminewhichfunctionthis substitution method leta solve af ax where domain set all non zero real numbers date november lecture notes for math circle irvine partially supported nsf grant dms departmentofmathematics solution replacing get wetherefore and hence exercise solving b bf cx finding r such recurrence relations fibonacci with find general formula consider form some number then from which conclude therefore ageneral written c are coecients determined initial values condi tions...

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