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picture1_Induction Heating Pdf 181402 | 9997194

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File: Induction Heating Pdf 181402 | 9997194
world academy of science engineering and technology international journal of electrical and computer engineering vol 8 no 1 2014 induction heating process design using comsol multiphysics software version 4 2a ...

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...World academy of science engineering and technology international journal electrical computer vol no induction heating process design using comsol multiphysics software version a k djellabi m e h latreche as the work coil passage current through this simulation is powerful generates very intense rapidly changing magnetic field tool for optimization in space within piece to be heated equipment selection well education business presentations placed alternating authors share their vast experience practical use induces flow different heat treating conductive arrangement processes paper treated with mathematical modeling can thought an transformer numerical furnaces like primary where energy fed axisymmetric geometries solution we propose finite element methods combined boundary fem single turn secondary that electromagnetic model short circuited causes tremendous currents some results industrial furnace are shown high these known eddy frequency concerns according reasons simulated analyzed...

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