File: Data Mining Applications Pdf 181376 | Midterm12 13
course code seem4630 page 1 of 3 course examinations midterm 2012 2013 seem4630 e commerce data mining course code title 2 0 time allowed hours minutes student i d no ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Course code seem page of examinations midterm e commerce data mining title time allowed hours minutes student i d no seat the questions ask for explanations should be concise descriptions your understanding greater marks will awarded answers that are simple short and concrete than a sketchy rambling nature lost giving information is irrelevant to question preprocessing what best distance or similarity measure each following applications calculate driving between two locations in downtown new york compare similar diseases with set medical test results as positive negative nd web documents keyword query b group normalize them min andmax c above partition into bins by methods equal width partitioning frequency vectors p q compute similarities matching jaccard cosine decision tree induction consider training dataset shown table classlabel gain gini index when splitting on attributes respectively show calculation details according which one you choose rst attribute split misclassication err...