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picture1_Processing Pdf 181332 | Publication 11 11780 911

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File: Processing Pdf 181332 | Publication 11 11780 911
th digital image processing dip lecture 2 4 class digital image representation 2 1 introduction the digital image processing deals with developing a digital system that performs operations on a ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Th digital image processing dip lecture class representation introduction the deals with developing a system that performs operations on an is nothing more than two dimensional signal it defined by mathematical function f x y where and are co ordinates horizontally vertically amplitude of at any pair coordinate called intensity or gray level point when values all finite discrete quantities we call field refers to means computer components imaging systems comprised primary types hardware software can be divided into acquiring sub scanner camera display devices monitor printer allows us manipulate perform desired data i sensors reference sensing elements required acquire first physical device sensitive energy radiated object wish second specialized ii specialize consists digitizer just mentioned plus other primitive such as arithmetic logic unit which addition subtraction logical in parallel images iii general purpose range from pc supercomputer depending application dedicated applicatio...

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