File: Heat Transfer Pdf 181233 | Refrigeration Cycle
refrigeration cycle heat flows in direction of decreasing temperature i e from high temperature to low temperature regions the transfer of heat from a low temperature to high temperature requires ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Refrigeration cycle heat flows in direction of decreasing temperature i e from high to low regions the transfer a requires refrigerator and or pump refrigerators pumps are essentially same device they only differ their objectives performance is expressed terms coefficient cop ql r w net qh hp reversed carnot reversing does reverse directions work interactions that operates on called warm medium t h q condenser l turbine compressor evaporator s cold fig diagram major components for most efficient operating between two specified levels it sets highest theoretical re f m bahrami ensc cannot be approximated an actual because executing can handle phases also process involves expansion phase flow ideal vaporcompression vapor compression widely used air conditioners saturated superheated liquid valve schematic assumptions irreversibilities within ignored no frictional pressure drops refrigerant at constant through exchangers losses surroundings isentropic p diagrams reversible adiabatic state...