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picture1_Chemical Preservation Of Food Pdf 181176 | Lecture 10

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File: Chemical Preservation Of Food Pdf 181176 | Lecture 10
general principles of food preservation physical methods introduction foods are mainly composed of biochemical compounds which are derived from plants and animals carbohydrates proteins and fats are the major constituents ...

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...General principles of food preservation physical methods introduction foods are mainly composed biochemical compounds which derived from plants and animals carbohydrates proteins fats the major constituents in addition minor such as minerals vitamins enzymes acids antioxidants pigments flavours present subject to chemical biological deterioration factors affecting spoilage growth activities microorganisms bacteria yeasts molds other reactions within itself infestation by insects rodents inappropriate temperatures for a given either gain or loss moisture reaction with oxygen light vast majority instances can be attributed one two causes attack oxidation that destruction essential plant animal cells results decomposition due microbial there is adverse effect on appearance flavour texture colour consistence nutritional quality process treating handling stop greatly slow down edibility nutritive value caused accelerated micro organisms usually involves preventing fungi well retarding cause...

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