purdue university ece438 digital signal processing with applications 1 ece438 laboratory 1 discrete and continuous time signals by prof charles bouman and prof mireille boutin fall 2015 1 introduction the ...
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...Purdue university ece digital signal processing with applications laboratory discrete and continuous time signals by prof charles bouman mireille boutin fall introduction the purpose of this lab is to illustrate properties using computers matlab software environment a takes on value at every point in whereas only dened integer values variable however while can be easily stored processed computer it impossible store for all points along segment real line later labs we will see that are actually restricted storage quantized such appropriately known as howthendoweprocesscontinuous timesignals inthislab wewillshowthatcontinuous may rst approximating them process sampling proper selection spacing between samples crucial an ecient accurate approximation excessively close lead too much data distant poor important topic future but now use approximately compute some simple attributes both synthetic ethics students expected behave ethically out unethical behavior includes not limited following p...