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picture1_Processing Pdf 180960 | Syllabus1557393595

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File: Processing Pdf 180960 | Syllabus1557393595
draft syllabus for approval in b voc food processing 6 semester course university of kerala thiruvananthapuram 1 introduction all india council for technical education aicte ministry of hrd government of ...

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...Draft syllabus for approval in b voc food processing semester course university of kerala thiruvananthapuram introduction all india council technical education aicte ministry hrd government has introduced entrepreneurship oriented skill development courses involves a combination procedures to achieve the intend changes raw materials these are conveniently categorized as unit operations each which specific identifiable and predictable effect on grouped together form process sequence determines nature final product technologists technicians requiredin this industry practical application principles manufacturing or production preservation packaging canning various products will be run by approved institutes using available infrastructure facilities institute conduct general content sector skills imparted knowledge providers training industries key features objectives provide judicious mix relating profession appropriate ensure that students have adequate so they work ready at exit point p...

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