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picture1_Food Irradiation Pdf 180772 | Irradiationbrochure

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File: Food Irradiation Pdf 180772 | Irradiationbrochure
irradiated food is labeled irradiated food by law food that has been irradiated must be marked with the special logo shown below and labeled with the words treated with radiation ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Irradiated food is labeled by law that has been must be marked with the special logo shown below and words treated radiation or irradiation spices do not need to if they are used as ingredients in other products what it means for you your family more information on safety please visit mdh web site at www health state mn us consumer education nutrition physical activity unit tdd this material will made available formats such large print braille cassette tape upon request may reproduced without permission printed recycled paper revised provides important benefits s endorsed a broad range of scientific groups gov helps keep our safer also prevent ernment agencies including u department from spoiling spouting destroys some insects fungi bacteria human services public service american can make people ill makes possible longer medical association departments agri deliver better condition culture dietetic institute technologists world organization because does destroy many disease causing org...

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