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picture1_Refrigeration Cycle Pdf 180766 | Basic Knowledge Thermodynamics Of The Refrigeration Cycle English

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File: Refrigeration Cycle Pdf 180766 | Basic Knowledge Thermodynamics Of The Refrigeration Cycle English
refrigeration thermodynamics of the refrigeration cycle basic knowledge thermodynamics of the refrigeration cycle set up and function of a compression the refrigeration cycle refrigeration system for operating media which can ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Refrigeration thermodynamics of the cycle basic knowledge set up and function a compression system for operating media which can have different phases refrigerant in heat dissipation such as water or t ss diagram looks liquid flows through closed with following four during condensation supercooled stations highg pressure it has an area on left grey evaporation medium is centre blue compres b there mixture steam wet sion c s right orange expansionnnn expansion d ou pure form superheated cooling takes place evaporator se compressor real its typical phase tran gaseous at low pressures tempera ga power sitions also be represented this tures here absorbs from envi many similarities to familiar boiling temperature ronment thus cools major difference that still cold aspirated by anticlockwise processes subjected higher pump using mechanical energy heats liqui ing swap places due enclosed green corresponds hot cooled down condenser sor work added condenses while discharging pressurised then ex...

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