guidelines on the collection of information on food processing through food consumption surveys guidelines on the collection of information on food processing through food consumption surveys food and agriculture organization ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Guidelines on the collection of information food processing through consumption surveys and agriculture organization united nations rome designations employed presentation material in this product do not imply expression any opinion whatsoever part fao concerning legal or development status country territory city area its authorities delimitation frontiers boundaries mention specific companies products manufacturers whether these have been patented does that endorsed recommended by preference to others a similar nature are mentioned views expressed those author s necessarily reflect policies encourages use reproduction dissemination except where otherwise indicated may be copied downloaded printed for private study research teaching purposes non commercial services provided appropriate acknowledgement as source copyright holder is given endorsement users implied way all requests translation adaptation rights resale other should made via www org contact us licence request addressed avai...