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picture1_Data Mining Notes 180590 | Pgkd04

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File: Data Mining Notes 180590 | Pgkd04
august 9 2003 12 10 wspc lecture notes series 9in x 6in zaki chap data miningtechniques mohammed j zaki department of computer science rensselaer polytechnic institute troy new york 12180 ...

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...August wspc lecture notes series in x zaki chap data miningtechniques mohammed j department of computer science rensselaer polytechnic institute troy new york usa e mail cs rpi edu limsoon wong for infocomm research heng mui keng terrace singapore ir a star sg mining is the semi automatic discovery patterns associations changes anomalies and statistically signicant structures events traditional analysis assumption driven sense that hypothesis formed validated against contrast are automatically ex tracted from goal this tutorial to provide an introduction techniques focus will be on methods appropriate massive datasets using scalable high perfor mance computing covered include association rules se quence decision tree classication clustering some aspects preprocessing postprocessing also problem predicting contact maps protein sequences used as detailed case study thematerial presented here compiled by lw based original slides mjz at post genome knowledge programme keywords datamining s...

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