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picture1_Processing Pdf 180586 | Hanrahan95

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File: Processing Pdf 180586 | Hanrahan95
chapter9 basic signal processing motivation many aspects of computer graphics and computer imagery differ from aspects of conventionalgraphicsandimagerybecausecomputerrepresentationsaredigitaland discrete whereas natural representations are continuous in a previous lecture we discussed ...

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...Chapter basic signal processing motivation many aspects of computer graphics and imagery differ from conventionalgraphicsandimagerybecausecomputerrepresentationsaredigitaland discrete whereas natural representations are continuous in a previous lecture we discussed the implications quantizing or high precision intensity val uestodiscreteorlowerprecisionvalues inthissequenceof lectureswediscussthe sampling image at set locations usually regular lattice process quite subtle to understand them fully requires understanding these notes meant serve as concise summary for reconstruction recall that framebuffer holds d array numbers representing intensities display creates light digital values say is reconstructed form although it often convenient think each pixel little square abuts its neighbors ll plane this view not very general instead better point sample imagine an surface whose height equal single then spike located position associated with discreteimageisasetofspikes andthecontinuousim...

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