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picture1_Processing Pdf 180538 | P103 Stanford

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File: Processing Pdf 180538 | P103 Stanford
correctness in stream processing challenges and opportunities caleb stanford konstantinos kallas rajeev alur castan cis upenn edu kallas seas upenn edu alur cis upenn edu university of pennsylvania university of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Correctness in stream processing challenges and opportunities caleb stanford konstantinos kallas rajeev alur castan cis upenn edu seas university of pennsylvania philadelphia pa usa select from today sreal time data analytics applications are built using a range user application software platforms for distributed popular formal execution semantics annotated dataflow include apache storm spark flink google cloud microsoft trill assumptions analysis emerging frameworks such as timely differential compiler optimizer ordering analyses requirements however engineering performance advances over the last two decades have not been met by adequate attention to is especially important this implementation context because amount deployment real nature these makes them difficult un derstand debug moreover errors catastrophic figure envisionedstreamprocessingarchitecture system whereas an error offline might go unnoticed if it exposes supports pluggable diagnosed fixed manner streaming formalanalyse...

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