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picture1_Response Surface Methodology Pdf 180537 | Jls 280 S4 282 Akbarian Application Review

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File: Response Surface Methodology Pdf 180537 | Jls 280 S4 282 Akbarian Application Review
indian journal of fundamental and applied life sciences issn 2231 6345 online an open access online international journal available at www cibtech org sp ed jls 2014 04 jls htm ...

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...Indian journal of fundamental and applied life sciences issn online an open access international available at www cibtech org sp ed jls htm vol s pp morshedi akbarian research article application response surface methodology design experiments optimization a mini review afsaneh mina department food science technology ferdowsi university mashhad iran young researchers elite club shahrekord branch islamic azad author for correspondence abstract the concept can be used to establish approximate explicit functional relationship between input random variables output through regression analysis probabilistic performed rsm is collection mathematical statistical techniques useful modeling problems by careful objective optimize variable which influenced several independent experiment series tests called runs in changes are made order identify reasons it process identifying fitting model from data obtained experimental studies or numerical where each run regarded as keywords introduction method s...

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