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picture1_Pdf Certificate Online 180503 | 158119 November 2012 Question Paper 11

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File: Pdf Certificate Online 180503 | 158119 November 2012 Question Paper 11
university of cambridge international examinations international general certificate of secondary education 8844682103 computer studies 0420 11 paper 1 october november 2012 2 hours 30 minutes candidates answer on the question ...

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...University of cambridge international examinations general certificate secondary education computer studies paper october november hours minutes candidates answer on the question no additional materials are required read these instructions first write your centre number candidate and name all work you hand in dark blue or black pen may use a soft pencil for any diagrams graphs rough working do not staples clips highlighters glue correction fluid barcodes questions marks will be awarded using brand names software packages hardware at end examination fasten securely together is given brackets each part examiner s this document consists printed pages blank page ib rp ucles describe four stages creation an expert system o n following five groups items down application that would need those list webcam microphone speakers barcode reader pos terminal pressure sensor adc lights siren data gloves goggles light plotter d printer company has decided to introduce robots into its manufacturing pro...

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