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picture1_Processing Pdf 180404 | Stat Nlp

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File: Processing Pdf 180404 | Stat Nlp
statistical methods in natural language processing ss 2010 type schedule room start instructor 00 30 v4 mo10 11 ahvi 19 04 prof dr ing h ney mi 1000 1130 ah ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Statistical methods in natural language processing ss type schedule room start instructor v mo ahvi prof dr ing h ney mi ah u ahiii n content automatic for play an important role any human machine interaction applications and other tasks articial intelligence this course deals with that have been found most successful many the covers following topics text document classication including information retrieval extraction tagging semantic annotation syntactic analysis parsing modeling translation of alignment lexicon models training generation process grammar based approaches assignment applied computer science or field specialization requirements vordiplom bachelor ects references c d manning schutze foundations mitpress cambridge ma others lehrstuhl also oers a seminar practical during both activities from speech image object recognition are treated enquiries to ralf schluter fur informatik vi tel e mail schlueter rwth aachen de last modied januar...

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