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picture1_Data Preparation For Machine Learning Pdf 180332 | P3182 Li

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File: Data Preparation For Machine Learning Pdf 180332 | P3182 Li
dataaugmentationforml drivendatapreparationand integration yuliang li xiaolan wang zhengjie miao wang chiewtan megagonlabs dukeuniversity facebook ai yuliang xiaolan megagon ai zjmiao cs duke edu wangchiew fb com abstract such as rotation ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Dataaugmentationforml drivendatapreparationand integration yuliang li xiaolan wang zhengjie miao chiewtan megagonlabs dukeuniversity facebook ai megagon zjmiao cs duke edu wangchiew fb com abstract such as rotation cropping or flipping are shown to be effective in recent years we have witnessed the development of novel data generating semantics preserving modified images boost per augmentation da techniques for creating additional training formanceofanimageclassifier ithasbeenanactivelineofresearch needed by machine learning based solutions this tutorial nlp and cv exploring space possible will provide a comprehensive overview developed operators well tuning composing these management community preparation form more policies addition surveying task specific inthistutorial weaimatprovidingacomprehensiveoverviewof that leverage rules transformations external knowledge ml driven also explore advanced tasks specifically focus on information extrac datechniquessuchasinterpolation conditiona...

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