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...Perancangan data flow diagram sistem pakar penentuan kebutuhan gizi bagi individu normal berbasis web bambang agus herlambang vilda ana veria setyawati program studi informatika fakultas teknik universitas pgri semarang kesehatan masyarakat dian nuswantoro corresponding author bengherlambang gmail com abstract the design of system needs to be documented by analysts get easy communicate coordinate all and information users so will able implementat designed properly in accordance with this paper described dfd case software produce a nutritional determination expert for individuals based was illustrated systems from context level consist sub initial collection consultation results consists nutritionists record client activity rule check balance each study showed that nutrition subsystems were interconnected store result ahli consulting keywords abstrak perlu didokumentasikan oleh analis agar lebih mudah dalam mengkomunikasi mengkoordinasi segala dan informasi dengan pengguna sehingga yang...