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picture1_Heat Transfer Pdf 180164 | 1116ijel04

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File: Heat Transfer Pdf 180164 | 1116ijel04
international journal of electromagnetics ijel vol 1 no 1 august 2016 transient numerical analysis of induction heating of graphite crucible at different frequency b patidar m m hussain a sharma ...

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...International journal of electromagnetics ijel vol no august transient numerical analysis induction heating graphite crucible at different frequency b patidar m hussain a sharma p tiwari bhabha atomic research centre mumbai abstract mathematical modeling process is done by using d axisymmetric geometry coupled field problem that includes electromagnetism and heat transfer maxwell equations classical equation respectively temperature dependent material properties are used for this coil voltage distribution electromagnetic power equivalent impedance effect on supply also analyzed useful designing melting nonferrous metal such as gold silver uranium etc keywords fem design introduction has been widely utilized in industries applications because it physical like good thermal stability corrosion resistance high electrical conductivity shock purity refractoriness machinability mechanical makes suitable non ferrous materials with pulsating magnetic produced which generates the electro motive ...

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