international journal of multidisciplinary and current research issn 2321 3124 available at http ijmcr com research article an overview of the principles and effects of irradiation on food processing preservation ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of multidisciplinary and current research issn available at http ijmcr com article an overview the principles effects irradiation on food processing preservation j t liberty d i dickson a e achebe m b salihu department agricultural bioresources engineering university nigeria nsukka microbiology home economics college education minna niger state educational foundation enugu accepted december online nov dec issue abstract when is carried out under good manufacturing practice conditions commended as effective widely applicable method judged to be safe extensive evidence that can reduce risk poisoning control spoilage extend shelf life foods without detriment health with minimal effect nutritional or sensory quality this view has been endorsed by bodies such world organisation who fao codex alimentarius products ionising radiation in order foodborne pathogens microbial load insect infestation inhibit germination root crops durable perishable produce use approved for a...