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Rapid Application Development Pdf 180145 | Jurnal 08141022 2012

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...Sistem informasi data pegawai dengan menggunakan metode rapid application development studi kasus kantor kehutanan prabumulih rian ardika ahmad luthfi m kom kurniawan fakultas ilmu komputer universitas bina darma email satria yahoo com luthfie mail binadarma ac id abstract is a model of linear sequential software process that emphasizes an extremely short cycle rad emphasis on cycles and fast in addition by involving users the design lead to user requirements can be met properly automatically as satisfaction system increases however methods need pay attention things are important especially readiness team scope needs performance forestry bureau has some parts job which includes personnel whose manage employee thus presence manufacturing collection program assist conducting archiving easier improve efficiency effectiveness work processing keywords information systems abstrak adalah sebuah proses perkembangan sekuensial linier yang menekankan siklus sangat pendek pada pembangunan singkat...

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