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File: Processing Pdf 179933 | 79937 Article Text 188457 1 10 20120802
african journal of biotechnology vol 9 20 pp 2826 2833 17 may 2010 available online at http www academicjournals org ajb issn 1684 5315 2010 academic journals review food irradiation ...

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...African journal of biotechnology vol pp may available online at http www academicjournals org ajb issn academic journals review food irradiation applications public acceptance and global trade hossein ahari mostafavi hadi fathollahi farahnaz motamedi seyed mahyar mirmajlessi atomic energy organization iran nuclear science technology research institute agricultural medical industrial school karaj accepted october is the treatment products by a definite kind process involves exposing packed or bulked to rays sun processing that entails combating post harvest losses curtailing borne disease overcoming quarantine barriers has been pursued since mid s scientific basis technological adaptation have well established more than any other techniques in fao iaea who joint expert committees on wholesomeness irradiated jecfi concluded commodity up an overall average dose kgy presents no toxicological hazard benefits addressing problems are some cases unique can improve quality number eliminating ri...

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