situated data situated systems a methodology to engage with power relations in natural language processing research lucyhavens melissa terras benjaminbach beatrice alex school of informatics college of arts humanities and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Situated data systems a methodology to engage with power relations in natural language processing research lucyhavens melissa terras benjaminbach beatrice alex school of informatics college arts humanities and social sciences edinburgh futures institute literatures languages cultures university lucy havens ed ac uk m bbach inf balex abstract wepropose bias aware pro cessing nlp rarely engages contexts limiting its ability mitigate while researchers have recommended actions technical methods documentationpractices nomethodologyexiststointegratecriticalreectionsonbiaswithtech nical this paper after an extensive interdisciplinary literature review we contribute for also denition biased text discussion the implications case study demonstrating how weareexecuting on archival metadata descriptions introduction analysis computer has raised awareness their biases prompting make rec ommendationstomitigateharmsthatbiasedcomputersystemscause analysishasshowncomputersys tems exhibiting through rac...