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picture1_Processing Pdf 179814 | Flink Deb

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File: Processing Pdf 179814 | Flink Deb
apacheflink streamandbatchprocessinginasingleengine paris carbone stephan ewen seif haridi asterios katsifodimos volker markl kostas tzoumas kth sicssweden data artisans tu berlin dfki parisc haridi kth se rst data artisans com rst ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Apacheflink streamandbatchprocessinginasingleengine paris carbone stephan ewen seif haridi asterios katsifodimos volker markl kostas tzoumas kth sicssweden data artisans tu berlin dfki parisc se rst com last de abstract apache flink is an open source system for processing streaming and batch built on the philosophy that many classes of applications including real time analytics continu ous pipelines historic iterative algorithms machine learning graph analysis can be expressed executed as pipelined fault tolerant dataows in this paper we present s architecture expand how a seemingly diverse set use cases unied under single execution model introduction stream e g exemplied by complex event systems static pro cessing mpp databases hadoop were traditionally considered two very dierent types they programmed using programming models apis exe cuted dedicated such storm ibm infosphere streams microsoft streaminsight or streambase versus relational engines apachesparkandapachedrill made up lio...

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