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picture1_Processing Pdf 179804 | Report

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File: Processing Pdf 179804 | Report
apacheflink distributed stream data processing k m j jacobs cern geneva switzerland 1 introduction the amount of data is growing signicantly over the past few years therefore the need for ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Apacheflink distributed stream data processing k m j jacobs cern geneva switzerland introduction the amount of is growing signicantly over past few years therefore need for frameworks currently there are two well known frame works with an api batches and streams which named apache flink apachespark bothapachesparkandapacheflinkareimprovinguponthemapreduceimplemen tation hadoop framework mapreduce rst programming model on large scale that available in goals goal this paper to shed some light capabilities by means a use cases both spark have one batch jobs based these apis considered as discussed then experiments results described conclusions ideas future work given relatedwork duringthecreationofthisreport anotherworkoncomparingbothdataprocessingframeworksiswritten mainly focusses iterative workloads while performance onthewebsite beam capability matrix according has limited support windowing missing meta driven triggers side inputs but plans implement release applications atcern someap...

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