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picture1_Processing Pdf 179733 | 20210504 Wp Consistency And Completeness Rethinking Optimized Distributed Stream Processing In Apache Kafka Pdf

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File: Processing Pdf 179733 | 20210504 Wp Consistency And Completeness Rethinking Optimized Distributed Stream Processing In Apache Kafka Pdf
consistency and completeness rethinking distributed stream processing in apache kafka guozhangwang lei chen ayusmandikshit guozhang confluent io lchen576 bloomberg net adikshit expediagroup com confluent inc usa bloomberg usa expedia group ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Consistency and completeness rethinking distributed stream processing in apache kafka guozhangwang lei chen ayusmandikshit guozhang confluent io lchen bloomberg net adikshit expediagroup com inc usa expedia group india jason gustafson boyangchen matthias j sax boyang john roesler sophie blee goldman brunocadonna bruno apurvamehta varun madan jun rao apurva vmadan abstract keywords an increasingly important system requirement for semantics applications is to provide strong correctness acmreferenceformat guarantees under unexpected failures out of order data so that wang ayusman dikshit its results can be authoritative not needing complementary batch cadonna although existing systems have put a lot effort into mehta addressing some specific issues such as complete pleteness ness how enable users make flexible transparent trade off proceedings the international conference on management decisions among performance cost still remains sigmod june virtual event china acm new york ny practical...

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