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picture1_Processing Pdf 179469 | Proses Signal Dan Persepsi Aural

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Processing Pdf 179469 | Proses Signal Dan Persepsi Aural

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Proses signal dan persepsi aural fransiskus rendy m a b com krisnha niti yandha bsc ahmad budi sulistio yuwono s e abstract talking about the process and perception related to understanding of it also discusses function characteristics processing group application fields suggestions is hoped that which includes signals processes perceptions talks groups need be continuously developed so they continue keep pace with developments science technology continues change today key words i pendahuluan pemrosesan sinyal adalah subbidang teknik kelistrikan yang berfokus pada analisis modifikasi sintesis seperti suara gambar pengukuran ilmiah dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan transmisi efisiensi penyimpanan kualitas subjektif juga menekankan atau mendeteksi komponen menarik dalam diukur an electrical engineering subfield focuses on analysing modifying synthezing such as sound images scientific measurements techniques can used improve transmission storage efficiency subjective quality emphasize or...

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