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picture1_18mps12c U2

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File: 18mps12c U2
basics of perception and awareness sensation and perception are two separate processes that are very closely related sensation is input about the physical world obtained by our sensory receptors and ...

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...Basics of perception and awareness sensation are two separate processes that very closely related is input about the physical world obtained by our sensory receptors process which brain selects organizes interprets these sensations in other words senses physiological basis same may vary from one person to another because each s stimuli differently based on individual learning memory emotions expectations what does it mean sense something specialized neurons respond specific types when information detected a receptor has occurred for example light enters eye causes chemical changes cells line back relay messages form action potentials as you learned studying biopsychology central nervous system conversion stimulus energy potential known transduction have probably since elementary school we five vision hearing audition smell olfaction taste gustation touch somatosensation turns out this notion oversimplified also systems provide balance vestibular body position movement proprioception ki...

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