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picture1_Scientific Method Pdf 179101 | Paper Ii Research Methodology Common To All

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File: Scientific Method Pdf 179101 | Paper Ii Research Methodology Common To All
paper ii research methodology credits 04 lectures 60 objective to identify and apply appropriate research methodology in order to plan conduct and evaluate basic research the course will furthermore enable ...

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...Paper ii research methodology credits lectures objective to identify and apply appropriate in order plan conduct evaluate basic the course will furthermore enable scholars distinguish between scientific method common sense knowledge while laying foundation for skills at higher levels unit introduction l meaning definition of objectives motivations types formulating a problem selecting techniques involved defining process steps criteria good problems encountered methods survey observation case study experimental historical comparative reserch design sampling need features different designs parametric non sample advantages limitations data collection processing literature review procedure manual from library usage scopus sciencedirect etc compiling software utilization primary secondary editing coding classification tabulation analysis interpretation scaling hypothesis measured scale correlation scatter diagram karl pearson s coefficient regression simple linear growth rate characteristi...

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