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picture1_Classification Of Discrete Time Signal 178983 | Discrete Time Signals And Systems

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File: Classification Of Discrete Time Signal 178983 | Discrete Time Signals And Systems
unit 1 introduction review of discrete time signals and systems anything that carries some information can be called as signals some examples are ecg eeg ac power seismic speech interest ...

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...Unit introduction review of discrete time signals and systems anything that carries some information can be called as examples are ecg eeg ac power seismic speech interest rates a bank unemployment rate country temperature pressure etc signal is also defined any physical quantity varies with one or more independent variables the which not at intervals between two successive samples it represented graphical functional tabular representation sequence elementary step impulse ramp exponential sinusoidal you read in classification energy if value e finite then x n p periodic non said to only satisfies condition otherwise symmetric even anti odd causal its zero for negative values operations on shifting reversal scaling multiplier scalar multiplication addition device algorithm operates produces another output static dynamic system present depend input response depends past but future inputs linear weighted sum should equal corresponding outputs this principle superposition invariant variant...

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