fun with functions tobias nipkow december 12 2009 abstract this is a collection of cute puzzles of the form show that if a function satises the following constraints it must ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Fun with functions tobias nipkow december abstract this is a collection of cute puzzles the form show that if function satises following constraints it must be please add further examples to apart from one about factorial they all come delightful booklet by terence tao but go back math olympiads and similar events kind either directly or sending them me let us make growing body theory funwithfunctions imports complex main begin see wasrstbroughttoourattentionbyherbertehlerwhoprovided proof theorem identity xes f nat v assumes n suc shows hproofi possible extension should also hold range reals lemma k times vm m mono...