File: Problem Solving Book Pdf 178739 | 15660 Naz 2020 E1 R
international journal of innovation creativity and change www ijicc net volume 14 issue 12 2020 analysis of problem solving skills in secondary school english textbooks a b c dr bibi ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of innovation creativity and change www ijicc net volume issue analysis problem solving skills in secondary school english textbooks a b c dr bibi asia naz javed iqbal khuda bakhsh zamir ahmed zakid cassistant professor bdepartment education hazara university mansehra department gc faisalabad pakistan d elementry email asianaz hu edu pk javediqbal khudabakhsh gcuf dzamirraja gmail com the aim this research was to conduct content high context study s goals were examine th grade etbs light related components compare both for purpose an textbook selected azad jammu kashmir text book board muzaffarabad confined etb prose chapters from grades codebook developed validated ensure intra coder reliability frequency themes used determine degree which skilled included as most important component life base covered but with low therefore recommended that based elements be address challenges everyday key words introduction is critical pillar society long term socioeconomic grow...