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File: Problem Solving In Mathematics Pdf 178687 | Ms6 13422436
mathematics and statistics 9 2 127 134 2021 http www hrpub org doi 10 13189 ms 2021 090206 polya s problem solving strategy in trigonometry an analysis of students difficulties ...

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...Mathematics and statistics http www hrpub org doi ms polya s problem solving strategy in trigonometry an analysis of students difficulties dwi sulistyaningsih eko andy purnomo department education natural science faculty universitas muhammadiyah semarang indonesia mechanical engineering received december revised february accepted march cite this paper the following citation styles a vol no pp b copyright by authors all rights reserved agree that article remains permanently open access under terms creative commons attribution license international abstract study is focused on investigating errors introduction made various causal factors working problems applying sine cosine ability one most important rules samples were taken randomly from high school math skills for because it can encourage data collected two ways namely to answer questions themselves become written test was referred skilled selecting identifying relevant conditions interviews with who mistakes concepts looking generali...

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