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picture1_Oil Pdf 178146 | Rpvot Rbot P

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File: Oil Pdf 178146 | Rpvot Rbot P
rpvot rbot the rpvot formerly referred to as rbot test is a measure of an oil s ability to resist oxidization however astm d2272 advises that the test is not ...

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...Rpvot rbot the formerly referred to as test is a measure of an oil s ability resist oxidization however astm d advises that not intended compare one new formulation another estimate oxidation stability useful in controlling continuity this property for batch acceptance production lots having same operation it method be substitute or used service lives oils different compositions primary contributors degradation process produces acids and by products form varnish sludge coat bearing surfaces narrow clearances clog passages all preventing lubricants from performing effectively may monitor depletion antioxidants over time remaining life due required expense tests usually performed on large capacity reservoirs steam turbines annual basis placing sample pressure vessel with water copper catalyst then pressurizing pure oxygen while rotating react are consumed rotation begins drop takes specied end point recorded minutes...

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