File: Oil Pdf 178014 | Ogsr Library Business Plan 2017
ontario oil gas and salt resources trust 669 exeter road london ontario n6e 1l3 telephone 519 686 2772 info ogsrlibrary com www ogsrlibrary com ontario oil gas and salt resources ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Ontario oil gas and salt resources trust exeter road london ne l telephone info ogsrlibrary com www library business plan prepared by corporation table of contents mission objectives introduction executive summary the structure trustees advisory committee industry a resource centre services ongoing initiatives digitization hard copy petroleum well records digital archiving geophysical log seismic shot lines digitizing data publishing marketing development promotion budget revenue expenses sustainable future priorities appendix i ii fees is non profit organization established act to provide information management relating natural funding research surveys laboratory facilities operations exploration production storage in geological formations solution mining s mandate includes maintaining improving access developing programs improve client develop new products generating sustain manages for subsurface fluid disposal provides companies individuals involved field as general public universi...