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picture1_Petroleum Business Plan Pdf 178002 | 592 Business Plan Guidelines

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File: Petroleum Business Plan Pdf 178002 | 592 Business Plan Guidelines
republic of namibia ministry of mines and energy tel 264 61 284 8111 6 aviation road fax 264 61 238643 220386 private bag 13297 e mail info mme gov na ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Republic of namibia ministry mines and energy tel aviation road fax private bag e mail info mme gov na windhoek website www june applicant guidelines for preparing a comprehensive business plan to accompany new application license operate fuel wholesale distribution or service station in introduction the objective this document is serve as guideline clients when order make better informed decisions empowered by provisions petroleum products act request any additional information from which opportunity already under way identified described analysed examining its technical economic financial feasibility develops all procedures strategies necessary convert into an actual project it indispensable tool start up independently size amount experience entrepreneur provides answer simple questions about purpose identify describe analyze moreover should card introducing others banks investors institutions public bodies other agent involved comes time seek cooperation support kind required accord...

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