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picture1_Oil Pdf 177744 | Guidance Note On Illicit Petroleum Including Crude Oil And Refined Petroleum Products From Libya 05

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File: Oil Pdf 177744 | Guidance Note On Illicit Petroleum Including Crude Oil And Refined Petroleum Products From Libya 05
libya sanctions guidance note on illicit petroleum including crude oil and refined petroleum products from libya this guidance note is produced by the sanctions monitoring board smb as the competent ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Libya sanctions guidance note on illicit petroleum including crude oil and refined products from this is produced by the monitoring board smb as competent authority for implementation of all un eu national in republic malta pursuance its powers under interest enabling act cap laws legislation ensures direct immediate applicability maltese law s website https foreignandeu gov mt may be contacted at mfea april i introduction view close geographic position to would like highlight certain aspects restrictive measures against ensure more effective thereof subject persons are place preservation assets resources people contribute efforts part recognised government bring about stability country include an arms embargo ii freezing iii prohibitions relating dealing iv restrictions equipment which used smuggling migrants trafficking human beings will focus main economic resource thus play a central role safeguarding exploitation benefit exports when not expressly authorised corporation noc united...

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