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picture1_Perfume Pdf 177739 | Jurnal

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File: Perfume Pdf 177739 | Jurnal
psychopathic personality reflected in tom tykwer s perfume the story of a murderer 2006 publication article submitted to fulfill one of the requirements for the completion of post graduate degree ...

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...Psychopathic personality reflected in tom tykwer s perfume the story of a murderer publication article submitted to fulfill one requirements for completion post graduate degree language study program by aprilia riyana putri magister programme muhammadiyah university surakarta abstract thesis faculty department advisors dr m thoyibi phil dewi candraningrum ed this research aims at find characteristics psychopath as shown movie know conditions that make person can be categorized analyze how become out effects qualitative is carried making use descriptive method researcher analyzes data using abnormal psychology and behaviorist analysis used describing extrinsic elements film including psychological condition main character jean baptiste grenouille factors being based on result finds symptoms causes major there are some influenced someone behavior those gene parents environment job or position educational level media motivation key words grenouillle approach...

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