File: Industrial Pdf 177399 | 40359 Item Download 2023-01-29 01-37-14
keresa plantation sdn bhd krnesr anror rn u niversiry tech nology mara i st ffi diploma in planting industry management yw 89 lilrrarmrsr rr taxcirrgi gge hi e rarq 1 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Keresa plantation sdn bhd krnesr anror rn u niversiry tech nology mara i st ffi diploma in planting industry management yw lilrrarmrsr rr taxcirrgi gge hi e rarq t x l ingil tri s tq fi ih qff sfry jiba estate name moitd auji bin mohd nasri matrd no program tratntng duratton june zor september zot page universiry technology br table of content contents pages personal and company details acknowlegdement introduction industrial training background practical report conclusion appendix r f g niems rs arm niversiw iffi lndustrial is a prerequisite to the award students ln lndustry universiti teknologi lt also designed give exposure experience about real situation their respective fields early preparation for before they enter working world sessions from may october runs months starting until was stationed at bintulu sarwak branch knowledge that provides an opportunity every student apply learning process experienced during session classroom can be seen different perspectives example indirec...