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picture1_Oil Pdf 177246 | Media Library Blm Policy H3070 2

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File: Oil Pdf 177246 | Media Library Blm Policy H3070 2
h 3070 2 economic evaluation of oil and gas properties handbook table of contents page chapter i introduction a purpose i 1 b market value i 1 c the economic ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...H economic evaluation of oil and gas properties handbook table contents page chapter i introduction a purpose b market value c the process ii data collection geologic assessment engineering iii methods models used for comparable sales approach selection leases or tracts minimum income discounted cash flow method use steps dcf risk discount rate ili d examples approaches iv scenario incorporating uncertainty in tract v preparation pre sale documentation format summary report files file signature e standard appraisal reports f confidentiality g review optional procedures indian lease administrative record vi land exchange illustrations sample forms well compilation sheet automated base specific overview large project estimate example an bibliography appendices acronyms legal references order to assure receipt fair fmv rights department interior doi may conduct evaluations appraisals these valuations equivalent such determining whether is being received evaluates subject disposal acquisit...

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