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picture1_Opec Pdf 177199 | Opec Submission Of Input On Kci Wa11

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File: Opec Pdf 177199 | Opec Submission Of Input On Kci Wa11
organization of the petroleum exporting countries opec inputs to katowice committee of experts on the impacts of the implementation of response measures kci work plan activity 11 opec secretariat research ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 28 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Organization of the petroleum exporting countries opec inputs to katowice committee experts on impacts implementation response measures kci work plan activity secretariat research division september workplan facilitate exchange and share experience best practices in assessment environmental social economic co benefits climate change policies actions informed by available science including use existing tools methodologies welcomes call for order implement activities forum impact its this context would like provide input with respect that will be considered at th meeting from november sharm el sheikh egypt provides responding guiding questions included as an annex well additional guidance provided each which policy ies were assessed what identified your working group iii contribution sixth report ipcc underlines entail different mitigation costs a focus equity considerations is necessary avoid induced harm unfairness could result taken reduce emissions particular it stated recognise addr...

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