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picture1_Oil Pdf 177149 | 2015 Pst Briefing Paper 02 Natgasbasics

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File: Oil Pdf 177149 | 2015 Pst Briefing Paper 02 Natgasbasics
pipeline briefing paper 2 last updated september 2015 pipeline basics specifics about natural gas pipelines introduction to pipelines there are over 2 6 million miles of fuel pipelines in the ...

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...Pipeline briefing paper last updated september basics specifics about natural gas pipelines introduction to there are over million miles of fuel in the united states who regulates and under what set regulations depends on carries how much it where goes categorized into several types all either hazardous liquid carrying crude oil refined fuels such as gasoline diesel jet they also carry highly volatile liquids butane ethane propane which will form vapor clouds if released atmosphere anhy drous ammonia or principal constituent is methane depending a transportation system transmission large lines typically current u s inches diameter that move long distances around country often at high pressures psi distribution mains service deliver our individual homes onshore offshore haz businesses operate relatively low pressure ardous gathering transporting away from point production well pad another facility for further refinement pipes equipment normally near wellhead used produce prepare transpo...

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