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picture1_Oil Pdf 177104 | 145047 Id Apakah Opec Merupakan Kartel Pendekatan

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File: Oil Pdf 177104 | 145047 Id Apakah Opec Merupakan Kartel Pendekatan
apakah opec merupakan kartel andryan setyadharma apakah opec merupakan kartel pendekatan kausalitas granger dalam kerangka vector autoregressive andryan setyadharma magister sains iesp sekolah pascasarjana universitas gadjah mada abstract one would ...

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...Apakah opec merupakan kartel andryan setyadharma pendekatan kausalitas granger dalam kerangka vector autoregressive magister sains iesp sekolah pascasarjana universitas gadjah mada abstract one would believe that the organization of petroleum exporting countries is certainly a cartel which curbs production in order to raise price its product as well share market among members did energy shock s engineered by an effective acting controlling output and influencing prices also expect significantly affect oil often accused curbing this paper tries determine whether has power affecting or vice versa study uses toda yamamoto procedure for testing non causality var models involves variables are integrated arbitrary possibly cointegrated results indicate there no statistically significant causal relationship between real crude either direction full sample period instead we find cause different sub samples but not other overall reject hypothesis whole www uajy ac id keywords test pendahuluan fr...

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